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An Institute where our specialty is ADVANCED HYPNO THERAPY. We study, we prove, so we believe in a short process of therapy. Endless sessions can cause frustration, unnecessarily prolong suffering, and prevent prompt treatment.

Who we are




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Cristina Lamim

WhatsApp Image 2018-12-19 at

Arnoud Pimentel

CRP 6/147849

Hypnotherapist & Autorized Instructor - DEHI Dave Elman Hypnosis Institute - Hendenson - North Carolina.


Advanced Hypnotherapist - OMNI Hypnosis Training Center (the first ISO 9001 certified hypnosis training in the world).


Member of NGH - National Guild of Hypnotistis (The World's Largest and Oldest Hypnosis Organization), with certificate recognized anywhere in the world.


Member of IBHEC - International Board of Hypnosis Education and Certification. (Organization created by Gerald Kein)


Master Practitioner in Neurolinguistics - Certified - The Society of Neuro Linguistic Programming by Richard Bander.


Presence Coaching - Robert Dilts & Richard Moss.


Member Member - SBPCDEM - Brazilian Society of Clinical Democratic Psychoanalysis, recognized in over 23 countries by the largest IPA World Institution (International Psychoanalytical Association - founded in 1910 by Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung).


Learning Psychology - Accelerated Learning Techniques.


Keynote Speaker Program - Elsever Institute.


Cristina, also graduated in MBA in Business Management from FGV, working for over 20 years in the corporate world, her main premise at the Institution outside People Training & Human Development.

Fascinated by the human mind, she graduated in Psychology in 1995, always bound to unravel the mysteries of the brain, today she has her profession as her great Life Mission.


Social project

In addition to working in his clinic, also performs a volunteer work in Recovery House of former drug addicts.

Hypnotherapist & Autorized Instructor - DEHI Dave Elman Hypnosis Institute - Hendenson - North Carolina.


Advanced Hypnotherapist - OMNI Hypnosis Training Center (the first ISO 9001 certified hypnosis training in the world).


Member of NGH - National Guild of Hypnotistis (The World's Largest and Oldest Hypnosis Organization), with certificate recognized anywhere in the world.


Member of IBHEC - International Board of Hypnosis Education and Certification (Organization created by Gerald Kein).


Master Practitioner in Neurolinguistics - Certified - The Society of Neuro Linguistic Programming by Richard Bander.


Professional & Self Coach

Leader coach

Life coach

Behavioral Analyst - Certifications by IBC (Brazilian Coaching Institute).


Presence Coaching - Robert Dilts & Richard Moss.


Member Member - SBPCDEM - Brazilian Society of Clinical Democratic Psychoanalysis, recognized in over 23 countries by the largest IPA World Institution (International Psychoanalytical Association - founded in 1910 by Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung).


Keynote Speaker Program - Elsever Institute.


Arnoud, with a background in Human Resources Management, has focused on people for more than 30 years in Multinationals, / and for some years has been pursuing his training in Human Development, focusing on transforming lives.



Social project

In addition to working in his clinic, also performs a volunteer work in Recovery House of former drug addicts.


Luís Lamim



Hypnotherapist & Autorized Instructor - DEHI Dave Elman Hypnosis Institute - Hendenson - North Carolina.


Member of SBH - Brazilian Society of Hypnosis (ISO 9001 Certified),

Developing Excellence in Hypnosis


Member Member - SBPCDEM - Brazilian Society of Clinical Democratic Psychoanalysis, recognized in over 23 countries by the largest IPA World Institution (International Psychoanalytical Association - founded in 1910 by Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung).


Clinical Hypnosis Certificate by Hibrain - Belo Horizonte - Brazil


Conversational Hypnosis Certificate - with James Tripp - London by Hibrain - Belo Horizonte - Brazil



Luís Lamim, also a entrepreneur, working for over 30 years in the corporate world, learning, designing, executing, teaching and contributing to the Technical Training of People as well as Human Development.


He studied parapsychology in a fast formation and had his first contact with Hypnosis in 1995, moving further away to develop his professional side in the industry and resuming the practice of Hypnose and therapies deeply in mid-2014.


Social project

Contributing to the control of type 2 diabetes using hypnosis to change behaviors of the clients


Voluntary working with chronic pain control in some cases excluding allopathy.

Did you know that you can control and improve your behavior in order to contribute to a correct diet with significant gains in maintaining sugar in your body and thereby reducing your weight?

"Hypnotherapy is responsible for thousands of transformed lives in Brazil and in the world!"




We are an Institute where our specialty is ADVANCED HYPNO THERAPY. We study, we prove, so we believe in a short process of therapy.

Endless sessions can cause frustration, unnecessarily prolong suffering, and prevent prompt treatment.


Arnoud and Cristina have undergone the most comprehensive hypnosis training and reference in the world, and Tradition has spread the teachings of Dave Elman and Gerald Kein, world references of hypnosis and hypnotherapy for over 38 years, also represent the only Institute of Hypnotherapy in the world. world that hires private scientists to study therapeutic processes in partnership with the University of Zurich. And now, as already mentioned, both the training and the Omni hypnotherapy process have the ISO 9001 Quality Certificate.

This ensures it is a faster, advanced and efficient process where more than 90% of cases are handled in a single session.

Who is it for?

Treatments of symptoms such as:


Anxiety Disorders


Panic Syndrome

Sleep disorders


Suicidal thoughts






Sexual abuse trauma



Weight loss


Hypnotherapy encompasses several areas, involving Psychological Treatments, Personal Development and Performance, Changes in Habits and Addictions, Health, and Assistance in Self Hypnosis.

If you go through this today, know that it is just a condition, and this treatment is for you, and that there are tools that can help you quickly and effectively by treating the root of your pain.

Hypnotherapy is responsible for thousands of transformed lives in Brazil and worldwide.

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About Hypnosis

Hypnosis has existed for several civilizations such as the Hebrews, Aztecs, Greeks, Romans, Egyptian era and even American Indians.

But hypnosis began to be studied scientifically in the mid-1780s.

Curiosity: Since the nineteenth century, a great medical surgeon James Esdaile (1808-1868) has used (hypnoanalgesia) to perform approximately 3000 (three thousand) surgeries - all properly cataloged, without the need for chemical anesthetics. Pioneer in the struggle to recognize hypnosis as a valuable adjunct to surgery.

In Calcutta, he performed thousands of minor surgeries and hundreds of deep surgeries, including nineteen amputations under hypnotic anesthesia alone.


Throughout these years, Arnoud and Cristina have been seeking their knowledge with academic focus, with emphasis on the "why" of everything, always connected with experiences and scientific explanations.

And today, even with all the technical knowledge and greats of history, they understand the conclusion that trying to define "who started hypnosis" is pure pretense.

For we assume that hypnosis has no temporality. It is a natural condition, it is a characteristic of the human brain, it has always existed and is part of the human being.

We can be mesmerized all the time, watching a movie, reading a book, driving in intense traffic, riding a bike, from participating in a marathon to simply chatting with a friend.

It is not a state of sleep, it does not necessarily have to be closed-eyed, relaxing, or using hypnotic induction techniques.

Hypnosis happens naturally.

In our psychic apparatus, a simple way to define hypnosis is "(Altered State of Consciousness)", it is basically Imagination and Focus.

With this we summarize that the most important element in hypnosis therapy is the subconscious mind, the definition, tasks of the mind, what it contains and how to access it for change, thus generating an emotional re-education of the subconscious.




The first public appearance of Brazilian hypnologists was at the International Congress of Hypnosis in Paris in 1889, focused on the therapeutic area, where there were 223 specialists from the field and from 23 countries. Among these, two were Brazilian doctors from Rio de Janeiro.

In the Government of then President Janio Quadros (1961), hypnosis was banned for about 30 years, thus delaying development and research.

Then, during the dictatorship, the military tried to use hypnosis to gather information, and the only finding was that hypnosis does not force anyone to do what they don't want.


To give you an idea, the Regional Council of Psychology, recognizes and approves hypnosis in Brazil only in the 2000s. With this, even with the advancement of neuroscience, so many studies focused on the area, due to several factors that generated so many delays. Brazil with regard to the view of hypnotic practice has also popularly and unfortunately joined the stereotype and the view of stage and street hypnosis, consequently creating several myths on the subject, (and because it is one of the most religious countries in the world). world), we also had the mistaken view associated with religion, control, etc., where really for lack of knowledge generated limiting cultural and religious beliefs, we will discuss below some of them, in Frequently Asked Questions.


And when we talk about clinical hypnosis then, it is important to point out "If there is a symptom, there is a cause." In this context, with knowledge in various scientific studies, the effectiveness of hypnotic techniques, as therapeutic tools in various treatments of psychosomatic problems and in pain control, is perceived and proven.

It is noteworthy that no hypnotherapist claims cure, guarantees, or diagnoses any kind of disease or illness and is no substitute for proper medical consultation, as a hypnotherapy professional can never advise you to start or stop taking medications that a doctor prescribes.
Questions always consult your doctor.

What is the treatment?

Step 1 - Evaluation Consultation

This assessment is important, where through an anamnesis, we know our client better.

And the main thing is to explain in detail how the mind works about everything subconscious, hypnosis and hypnotherapy. It is the preparation for the day of the session.


Step 2 - Session

It is the moment of great decision in your life, where you truly take control, together we re-educate your subconscious and so you take control of your life, being the best version of yourself.

What is the treatment?

What is the treatment?


Frequently Asked          Questions

Dúvidas Frequentes


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Arnoud Pimentel

Cristina Lamim

Aquarius Business Center

Rua Alfredo Ignácio Nogueira Penido, nº 305 - sala 601

São José dos Campos - São Paulo - CEP 12246-000

Luís Lamim

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